• attachment:UbuntuPackagingGuideJa/conventions/important.png Requirements: build-essential, automake, gnupg, lintian, fakeroot and pbuilder.

  • attachment:UbuntuPackagingGuideJa/conventions/important.png 必要なパッケージ: build-essential, automake, gnupg, lintian, fakeroot, pbuilder

In this example we will be using the GNU hello program as our example. You can download the source tarball from ftp.gnu.org. For the purposes of this example, we will be using the ~/hello/ directory.

ここでは、GNU helloを例題として使用します。ソースファイルは ftp.gnu.org からダウンロードすることができます。その前に、例題用に~/hello/ディレクトリを作成しておきましょう。

mkdir ~/hello
cd ~/hello
wget http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/hello/hello-2.1.1.tar.gz

We will also compare our package to one that is already packaged in the Ubuntu repository. For now, we will place it in the ubuntu directory so we can look at it later. To get the source package, make sure you have a "deb-src" line in your /etc/apt/sources.list file for the Main repository. Then, simply execute:


mkdir ubuntu
cd ubuntu
apt-get source hello
cd ..
  • attachment:UbuntuPackagingGuideJa/conventions/note.png Unlike most apt-get commands, you do not need to have root privileges to get the source package, because it is downloaded to the current directory. In fact, it is recommended that you only use apt-get source as a regular user, because then you can edit files in the source package without needing root privileges.

  • attachment:UbuntuPackagingGuideJa/conventions/note.png 他のapt-getコマンドと違い、このコマンドは現在のディレクトリにソースパッケージをダウンロードするだけなので、管理者権限は必要ありません。実際、あとでダウンロードしたソースパッケージのファイルを管理者権限なしに編集するために、apt-get sourceを一般ユーザでのみ実行することをおすすめします。

What the apt-get source command does is:

apt-get sourceコマンドは、以下の作業を行います:

  1. Download the source package. A source package commonly contains a .dsc file describing the package and giving md5sums for the source package, an .orig.tar.gz file containing the source code from the author(s), and a .diff.gz file containing patches applied against the source code with the packaging information.
  2. Untar the .orig.tar.gz file into the current directory.
  3. Apply the gunzipped .diff.gz to the unpacked source directory.
  4. ソースパッケージをダウンロードします。ソースパッケージには、パッケージの概要やソースパッケージのmd5sum値を記した.dscファイル、ソフトウェア作成者のソースコードである.orig.tar.gzファイル、パッケージングの際にソースコードに対して適用されるパッチである.diff.gzなどが含まれています。
  5. .orig.tar.gzファイルを現在のディレクトリに展開します。
  6. .diff.gzファイルを伸張し、展開されたソースディレクトリに適用します。

If you manually download the source package (.dsc, .orig.tar.gz, and .diff.gz files), you can unpack them in the same way apt-get source does by using dpkg-source as follows:

ソースパッケージ(.dsc, .orig.tar.gz, .diff.gz)を手動でダウンロードした場合は、以下のようにdpkg-sourceコマンドを使えばapt-get sourceと同じ方法でそれらを展開することができます:

dpkg-source -x *.dsc

The first thing you will need to do is make a copy of the original (sometimes called "upstream") tarball in the following format: <packagename>_<version>.orig.tar.gz. This step does two things. First, it creates two copies of the source code. If you accidentally change or delete the working copy you can use the one you downloaded. Second, it is considered poor packaging practice to change the original source tarball unless absolutely necessary. See the section called “Common Mistakes” for reasons.


cp hello-2.1.1.tar.gz hello_2.1.1.orig.tar.gz
tar -xzvf hello_2.1.1.orig.tar.gz
  • attachment:UbuntuPackagingGuideJa/conventions/warning.png The underscore, "_", between the package name (hello) and the version (2.1.1), as opposed to a hyphen, "-", is very important. Your source package will incorrectly be built as a Debian native package.

  • attachment:UbuntuPackagingGuideJa/conventions/warning.png パッケージ名(hello)とバージョン(2.1.1)の間にあるハイフン("-")をアンダースコア("_")にすることはとても重要です。これを行わなければDebianパッケージとしてうまくビルドできないでしょう。

We now have a hello-2.1.1 directory containing the source files. Now we need to create the customary debian directory where all the packaging information is stored, allowing us to separate the packaging files from the application source files.


mkdir hello-2.1.1/debian
cd hello-2.1.1/debian/

We now need to create the essential files for any Ubuntu source package: changelog, control, copyright, and rules. These are the files needed to create the binary packages (.deb files) from the original (upstream) source code. Let us look at each one in turn.



The changelog file is, as its name implies, a listing of the changes made in each version. It has a specific format that gives the package name, version, distribution, changes, and who made the changes at a given time. If you have a GPG key, make sure to use the same name and email address in changelog as you have in your key. The following is a template changelog:


package (version) distribution; urgency=urgency

  * change details
    more change details
  * even more change details

 -- maintainer name <email address>[two spaces]  date

The format (especially of the date) is important. The date should be in RFC822 format, which can be obtained from the 822-date program.


Here is a sample changelog file for hello: これは、helloのためのchangelogファイルの例です:

hello (2.1.1-1) edgy; urgency=low

   * New upstream release with lots of bug fixes.

 -- Captain Packager <[email protected]>  Wed,  5 Apr 2006 22:38:49 -0700

Notice that the version has a -1 appended to it, or what is called the Debian revision, which is used so that the packaging can be updated (to fix bugs for example) with new uploads within the same source release version.


  • attachment:UbuntuPackagingGuideJa/conventions/note.png Ubuntu and Debian have slightly different package versioning schemes to avoid conflicting packages with the same source version. If a Debian package has been changed in Ubuntu, it has ubuntuX (where X is the Ubuntu revision number) appended to the end of the Debian version. So if the Debian hello package was changed by Ubuntu, the version string would be 2.1.1-1ubuntu1. If a package for the application does not exist in Debian, then the Debian revision is 0 (e.g., 2.1.1-0ubuntu1).

  • attachment:UbuntuPackagingGuideJa/conventions/note.png UbuntuとDebianでは、同じソースファイルのバージョンをパッケージにする際に衝突が起きないように、パッケージのバージョン番号の付け方が少し違います。DebianパッケージがUbuntuで修正された場合は、Debianのバージョンの後ろにubuntuX(ここでXはUbuntuのリビジョン番号です)を追加します。例えば、このDebian helloパッケージがUbuntuで修正された場合は、そのバージョンは2.1.1-1ubuntu1となります。そのアプリケーションのパッケージがDebianに存在しない場合は、Debianのリビジョン番号は0であるとして扱います(例えば2.1.1-0ubuntu1)。

Now look at the changelog for the Ubuntu source package that we downloaded earlier:


less ../../ubuntu/hello-2.1.1/debian/changelog

Notice that in this case the distribution is unstable (a Debian branch), because the Debian package has not been changed by Ubuntu. Remember to set the distribution to your target distribution release.


At this point create a changelog file in the debian directory where you should still be.



The control file contains the information that the package manager (such as apt-get, synaptic, and aptitude) uses, build-time dependencies, maintainer information, and much more.


For the Ubuntu hello package, the control file looks something like:

Ubuntu helloパッケージのcontrolファイルは次のようになっています:

Source: hello
Section: devel
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Captain Packager <[email protected]> 
Standards-Version: 3.6.1

Package: hello
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}
Description: The classic greeting, and a good example
 The GNU hello program produces a familiar, friendly greeting.  It
 allows non-programmers to use a classic computer science tool which
 would otherwise be unavailable to them.
 Seriously, though: this is an example of how to do a Debian
 It is the Debian version of the GNU Project's `hello world' program
 (which is itself an example for the GNU Project).

Create control using the information above (making sure to provide your information for the Maintainer field).


The first paragraph gives information about the source package. Let us go through each line:


  • Source: This is the name of the source package, in this case, hello.

  • Source: ソースパッケージの名前です。今回の場合はhelloになります。

  • Section: The apt repositories are split up into sections for ease of browsing and categorization of software. In this case, hello belongs in the devel section.

  • Section: aptレポジトリは、ソフトウェアの閲覧と分類を容易にするため、いくつかのセクションに分類されています。今回のhellodevelセクションに属しています。

  • Priority: This sets the importance of the package to users. It should be one of the following:

  • Priority: ここでは、そのパッケージの重要度が指定されます。以下のうちの一つを選択してください:

    • Required - packages that are essential for the system to work properly. If they are removed it is highly likely that your system will break in an unrecoverable way.

    • Required - システムが正しく動作するために必要不可欠なパッケージです。このパッケージを削除することは、高確率でシステムが回復不能な状態になることを意味します。

    • Important - minimal set of packages for a usable system. Removing these packages will not produce an unrecoverable breakage of your system, but they are generally considered important tools without which any Linux installation would be incomplete. Note: This does not include things like Emacs or even the X Window System.

    • Important - システムを利用するために必要最小限のパッケージに指定します。これらのパッケージを削除してもシステムが回復不能な状態に陥ることはありませんが、一般的にインストールしないとLinuxシステムとしては不完全であると考えられる重要なツールです。注意:EmacsやX Window Systemでさえ、ここには含まれません。

    • Standard - Somewhat self explanatory.

    • Standard - そのままの意味です。

    • Optional - in essence this category is for non-required packages, or the bulk of packages. However, these packages should not conflict with each other.

    • Optional - 基本的にこのカテゴリには、必須ではないパッケージや大半のパッケージが属しています。しかしながら、これらのパッケージはお互いに衝突しないようになっているべきです。

    • Extra - packages that may conflict with packages in one of the above categories. Also used for specialized packages that would only be useful to people who already know the purpose of the package.

    • Extra - 上記カテゴリのどれかに属するパッケージと衝突しているパッケージが属します。そのパッケージの目的を既に知っている人にのみ役に立つような、特別なパッケージにも使われます。

  • Maintainer: The package maintainer with email address.

  • Maintainer: パッケージメンテナとそのメールアドレスを記載します。

  • Standards-Version: The version of the Debian Policy to which the package adheres (in this case, version 3.6.1). An easy way to find the current version is apt-cache show debian-policy | grep Version.

  • Standards-Version: そのパッケージが順守しているDebianポリシーのバージョン(今回の場合は3.6.1)を指定します。最新のバージョンを知る簡単な方法はapt-cache show debian-policy | grep Versionを実行することです。

  • Build-Depends: One of the most important fields and often the source of bugs, this line lists the binary packages (with versions if necessary) that need to be installed in order to create the binary package(s) from the source package. Packages that are essential are required by build-essential and do not need to be included in the Build-Depends line. In the case of hello, all the needed packages are a part of build-essential, so a Build-Depends line is not needed. The list of build-essential packages can be found at /usr/share/doc/build-essential/list.

  • Build-Depends: もっとも重要で、しばしば不具合の原因にもなるこの行は、ソースパッケージからバイナリパッケージを作成する際に必要になる、バイナリパッケージ(と必要ならそのバージョン)の一群を指定します。build-essentialやそれによって要求されるようなパッケージは、Build-Dependsに書く必要はありません。helloの場合は、必要なパッケージはすべてbuild-essentialの一部なので、Build-Dependsの行は必要ありません。build-essentialによってインストールされるパッケージのリストは、/usr/share/doc/build-essential/listで見ることができます。

The second paragraph is for the binary package that will be built from the source. If multiple binary packages are built from the source package, there should be one section for each one. Again, let us go through each line:


  • Package: The name for the binary package. Many times for simple programs (such as hello), the source and binary packages' names are identical.

  • Package: そのバイナリパッケージの名前です。(helloのような)多くのシンプルなプログラムの場合、ソースパッケージとバイナリパッケージの名前はまったく同じになります。

  • Architecture: The architectures for which the binary package(s) will be built. Examples are:

  • Architecture: そのバイナリパッケージがビルドされたアーキテクチャを指定します。例えば:

    • all - The source is not architecture-dependent. Programs that use Python or other interpreted languages would use this. The resulting binary package would end with _all.deb.

    • all - アーキテクチャに依存しないパッケージです。Pythonやその他のスクリプト言語を利用したプログラムなどで指定されます。生成されたバイナリパッケージ名の最後は、_all.debとなります。

    • any - The source is architecture-dependent and should compile on all the supported architectures. There will be a .deb file for each architecture (_i386.deb for instance)

    • any - アーキテクチャに依存し、サポートされるすべてのアーキテクチャでコンパイル可能であるべきパッケージです。生成されたそれぞれの.debファイル名には、(例えば_i386.debのように)それぞれのアーキテクチャが記載されます。

    • A subset of architectures (i386, amd64, ppc, etc.) can be listed to indicate that the source is architecture-dependent and does not work for all architectures supported by Ubuntu.
    • アーキテクチャのリストを指定した場合(i386, amd64, ppcなど)、そのソースはアーキテクチャに依存しているが、Ubuntuがサポートするすべてのアーキテクチャで動作するわけではないことを意味します。
  • Depends: The list of packages that the binary package depends on for functionality. For hello, we see ${shlibs:Depends}, which is a variable that substitutes in the needed shared libraries. See the dpkg-source man page for more information.

  • Depends: そのバイナリパッケージが機能するために必要なパッケージのリストを指定します。helloの場合、${shlibs:Depends}と書いてありますが、この変数は必要な共有ライブラリに置き換えられます。詳しいことはdpkg-sourceのManページを参照してください。

  • Recommends: Used for packages that are highly recommended and usually are installed with the package. Some package managers, most notably aptitude, automatically install Recommended packages.

  • Recommends: 普通はそのパッケージと一緒にインストールされるような、高く推奨されるパッケージを指定します。パッケージマネージャによっては、とりわけaptitudeでは、推奨パッケージ(recommended package)も自動でインストールします。

  • Suggests: Used for packages that are similar or useful when this package is installed.

  • Suggests: 一緒にインストールすると便利なパッケージを指定します。

  • Conflicts: Used for packages that will conflict with this package. Both cannot be installed at the same time. If one is being installed, the other will be removed.

  • Conflicts: そのパッケージと衝突(conflict)するようなパッケージを指定します。そのため、同時にインストールすることはできません。もし片方がインストールされた場合、他方は削除されるでしょう。

  • Description: Both short and long descriptions are used by package managers. The format is:

  • Description: パッケージマネージャで利用される、短い概要と長い概要を記載します。その形式は:

    Description: <一行で書かれた概要>
    Note that there is one space at the beginning of each line in the long description. More information on how to make a good description can be found

    at http://people.debian.org/~walters/descriptions.html.


This file gives the copyright information. Generally, copyright information is found in the COPYING file in the program's source directory. This file should include such information as the names of the author and the packager, the URL from which the source came, a Copyright line with the year and copyright holder, and the text of the copyright itself. An example template would be:


This package was debianized by {Your Name} <your email address>

It was downloaded from: {URL of webpage} 

Upstream Author(s): {Name(s) and email address(es) of author(s)}

        Copyright (C) {Year(s)} by {Author(s)} {Email address(es)}


As one can imagine, hello is released under the GPL license. In this case it is easiest to just copy the copyright file from the Ubuntu package:


cp ../../ubuntu/hello-2.1.1/debian/copyright .

You must include the complete copyright unless it is is GPL, LGPL, BSD, or Artistic License, in which case you can refer to the corresponding file in the /usr/share/common-licenses/ directory.

ライセンスがGPLやLGPL、BSD、Artistic Licenseでない場合は、完全なライセンス文を書く必要がありますが、それらのライセンスである場合は、/usr/share/common-licenses/ディレクトリの適切なファイルを指定するだけでもかまいません。

Notice that the Ubuntu package's copyright includes a license statement for the manual. It is important that all the files in the source be covered by a license statement.



The rules file is an executable Makefile that has rules for building the binary package from the source packages. For hello, it will be easier to use the rules from the Ubuntu package:


# Sample debian/rules file - for GNU Hello.
# Copyright 1994,1995 by Ian Jackson.
# I hereby give you perpetual unlimited permission to copy,
# modify and relicense this file, provided that you do not remove
# my name from the file itself.  (I assert my moral right of
# paternity under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.)
# This file may have to be extensively modified

package = hello
docdir = debian/tmp/usr/share/doc/$(package)

CC = gcc
CFLAGS = -g -Wall

ifeq (,$(findstring noopt,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)))
  CFLAGS += -O2
ifeq (,$(findstring nostrip,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)))

        ./configure --prefix=/usr
        $(MAKE) CC="$(CC)" CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS)"
        touch build

        rm -f build
        -$(MAKE) -i distclean
        rm -rf *~ debian/tmp debian/*~ debian/files* debian/substvars

binary-indep:   checkroot build
# There are no architecture-independent files to be uploaded
# generated by this package.  If there were any they would be
# made here.

binary-arch:    checkroot build
        rm -rf debian/tmp
        install -d debian/tmp/DEBIAN $(docdir)
        install -m 755 debian/postinst debian/prerm debian/tmp/DEBIAN
                prefix=$$(pwd)/debian/tmp/usr install
        cd debian/tmp &amp;&amp; mv usr/info usr/man usr/share
        cp -a NEWS debian/copyright $(docdir)
        cp -a debian/changelog $(docdir)/changelog.Debian
        cp -a ChangeLog $(docdir)/changelog
        cd $(docdir) &amp;&amp; gzip -9 changelog changelog.Debian
        gzip -r9 debian/tmp/usr/share/man
        gzip -9 debian/tmp/usr/share/info/*
        dpkg-shlibdeps debian/tmp/usr/bin/hello
        dpkg-gencontrol -isp
        chown -R root:root debian/tmp
        chmod -R u+w,go=rX debian/tmp
        dpkg --build debian/tmp ..

define checkdir
        test -f src/$(package).c -a -f debian/rules

binary: binary-indep binary-arch

        test $$(id -u) = 0

.PHONY: binary binary-arch binary-indep clean checkroot

Let us go through this file in some detail. One of the first parts you will see is the declaration of some variables:


package = hello
docdir = debian/tmp/usr/share/doc/$(package)

CC = gcc
CFLAGS = -g -Wall

ifeq (,$(findstring noopt,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)))
  CFLAGS += -O2
ifeq (,$(findstring nostrip,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)))

This section sets the CFLAGS for the compiler and also handles the noopt and nostrip DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS for debugging.

このセクションでは、コンパイラに渡すCFLAGSの設定と、デバッグ用のnooptnostrip DEB_BUILD_OPTIONSの処理を行っています。

Next is the build rule:


        ./configure --prefix=/usr
        $(MAKE) CC="$(CC)" CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS)"
        touch build

This rule runs ./configure with the proper prefix, runs make, and creates a build file that is a timestamp of the build to prevent erroneous multiple compilations.


The next rule is clean, which runs make -i distclean and removes the files that are made during the package building.

次のルールはcleanと呼ばれるもので、make -i distcleanを実行し、パッケージのビルド時に作られたファイルを削除します。

        rm -f build
        -$(MAKE) -i distclean
        rm -rf *~ debian/tmp debian/*~ debian/files* debian/substvars

Next we see an empty binary-indep rule, because there are no architecture-independent files created in this package.


There are, however, many architecture-dependent files, so binary-arch is used:


binary-arch:    checkroot build
                rm -rf debian/tmp
                install -d debian/tmp/DEBIAN $(docdir)
                install -m 755 debian/postinst debian/prerm debian/tmp/DEBIAN
                prefix=$$(pwd)/debian/tmp/usr install
                cd debian/tmp &amp;&amp; mv usr/info usr/man usr/share
                cp -a NEWS debian/copyright $(docdir)
                cp -a debian/changelog $(docdir)/changelog.Debian
                cp -a ChangeLog $(docdir)/changelog
                cd $(docdir) &amp;&amp; gzip -9 changelog changelog.Debian
                gzip -r9 debian/tmp/usr/share/man
                gzip -9 debian/tmp/usr/share/info/*
                dpkg-shlibdeps debian/tmp/usr/bin/hello
                dpkg-gencontrol -isp
                chown -R root:root debian/tmp
                chmod -R u+w,go=rX debian/tmp
                dpkg --build debian/tmp ..

First, notice that this rule calls the checkroot rule to make sure the package is built as root and calls the build rule to compile the source. Then the debian/tmp/DEBIAN and debian/tmp/usr/share/doc/hello files are created, and the postinst and the prerm scripts are installed to debian/tmp/DEBIAN. Then make install is run with a prefix that installs to the debian/tmp/usr directory. Afterward the documentation files (NEWS, ChangeLog, and the debian changelog) are gzipped and installed. dpkg-shlibdeps is invoked to find the shared library dependencies of the hello executable, and it stores the list in the debian/substvars file for the ${shlibs:Depends} variable in control. Then dpkg-gencontrol is run to create a control file for the binary package, and it makes the substitutions created by dpkg-shlibdeps. Finally, after the permissions of the debian/tmp have been set, dpkg --build is run to build the binary .deb package and place it in the parent directory.

最初に、管理者権限でパッケージをビルドしているかどうかを確認するためにcheckrootを、ソースをコンパイルするためにbuildルールを呼び出しています。その後、debian/tmp/DEBIANdebian/tmp/usr/share/doc/helloが作成され、postinstスクリプトとprermスクリプトがdebian/tmp/DEBIANにインストールされます。そしてdebian/tmp/usrディレクトリをプレフィックスに指定して、make installが実行されます。さらに文書ファイル(NEWSやChangeLog、Debianのchangelog)がgzip圧縮されインストールされます。helloを実行するために必要な共有ライブラリがdpkg-shlibdepsによって検索され、controlファイルの${shlibs:Depends}変数が参照するためにdebian/substvarsにその一覧が格納されます。その後、dpkg-gencontrolの実行によって、バイナリパッケージ用のcontrolファイルが作成され、dpkg-shlibdepsによって作成されたリストに置き換えられます。最後に、debian/tmpのパーミッションを変更したあと、バイナリパッケージ(.debファイル)を作成するためにdpkg --buildが実行され、親ディレクトリに保存されます。


The postinst and prerm files are examples of maintainer scripts. They are shell scripts that are executed after installation and before removal, respectively, of the package. In the case of the Ubuntu hello package, they are used to install (and remove) the info file. Go ahead and copy them into the current debian directory.


cp ../../ubuntu/hello-2.1.1/debian/postinst .
cp ../../ubuntu/hello-2.1.1/debian/prerm .


Now that we have gone through the files in the debian directory for hello in detail, we can build the source (and binary) packages. First let us move into the root of the extracted source:


cd ..

Now we build the source package using dpkg-buildpackage:


dpkg-buildpackage -S -rfakeroot

The -S flag tells dpkg-buildpackage to build a source package, and the -r flag tells it to use fakeroot to allow us to have fake root privileges when making the package. dpkg-buildpackage will take the .orig.tar.gz file and produce a .diff.gz (the difference between the original tarball from the author and the directory we have created, debian/ and its contents) and a .dsc file that has the description and md5sums for the source package. The .dsc and *_source.changes (used for uploading the source package) files are signed using your GPG key.


  • attachment:UbuntuPackagingGuideJa/conventions/warning.png If you do not have a gpg key set up you will get an error from debuild. You can either set up a gpg key or use the -us -uc keys with debuild to turn off signing. However, you will not be able to have your packages uploaded to Ubuntu without signing them.

  • attachment:UbuntuPackagingGuideJa/conventions/warning.png gpg鍵を設定していない場合は、debuildからエラーが表示されるでしょう。gpg鍵を設定してもいいですが、debuild-us -ucオプションを与えることで、署名をしないことも可能です。ただし、署名をしない限りUbuntuにパッケージをアップロードすることはできません。

  • attachment:UbuntuPackagingGuideJa/conventions/tip.png To make sure debuild finds the right gpg key you should set the DEBFULLNAME and DEBEMAIL environment variables (in your ~/.bashrc for instance) to the name and email address you use for your gpg key and in the debian/changelog

  • Some people have reported that they were unable to get debuild to find their gpg key properly, even after setting the above environment variables. To get around this you can give debuild the -k<keyid> flag where <keyid> is your gpg key ID.

  • attachment:UbuntuPackagingGuideJa/conventions/tip.png debuildが正しいgpg鍵を見つけるためには、(例えば~/.bashrcなどで)環境変数DEBFULLNAMEとDEBEMAILにgpg鍵とdebian/changelogで使用した名前とメールアドレスを与えておく必要があります。

  • ただし、この設定を行ってもdebuildが正しいgpg鍵を見つけられないという報告もあります。その場合は、debuild実行時に-k<keyid>フラグを与えてください。<keyid>はgpg鍵のIDに置き換えてください。

In addition to the source package, we can also build the binary package with pbuilder:


sudo pbuilder build ../*.dsc

Using pbuilder to build the binary packages is very important. It ensures that the build dependencies are correct, because pbuilder provides only a minimal environment, so all the build-time dependencies are determined by the control file.


We can check the source package for common mistakes using lintian: ソースパッケージのよくある間違いはlintianを使って確認できます:

cd ..
lintian -i *.dsc

UbuntuJapaneseWiki: UbuntuPackagingGuideJa/basic-scratch (last edited 2012-01-10 11:49:09 by anonymous)